getFileList(); $dirListArray = $aDirectory->getDirList(); echo "\n"; echo "

echo "Reading Directory: ".  $aDirectory->getDirPath() ."\n";
echo "Current Directory: ". getcwd() ."\n";

echo "-- Files in Directory --\n";
foreach ($fileListArray as $filename) {
    echo "File: $filename\n";

echo "\n-- Sub Directories --\n";
foreach ($dirListArray as $filename){
    echo "Sub dir: $filename\n";
echo "
\n"; } class DirReader{ private $dh; # Directory Handle private $basedir; # Base Directory passed to the object private $fileNameArray=array(); private $dirNameArray=array(); function __construct($dirname){ $this->basedir = $dirname; $this->dh = dir($dirname) or die($php_errormsg); $this->parseDirectory(); } function parseDirectory(){ $filename = ""; while (false !== ($filename = $this->dh->read())){ $fullpath = $this->basedir . '/' . $filename; if (is_file($fullpath)){ array_push($this->fileNameArray, $filename); }else{ array_push($this->dirNameArray, $filename); } } } // Get all the files in the directory function getFileList(){ return $this->fileNameArray; } // Get all the sub directories in the directory function getDirList(){ return $this->dirNameArray; } function getDirPath(){ return $this->dh->path; } } ?>